Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Anne Rowe Presenting If You’re Designing Modern, Use the Past:
William Haines at Sunnylands.

For more than 40 years, Ambassadors Walter and Leonore Annenberg welcomed political, business, educational, and entertainment leaders to Sunnylands, their 200-acre winter home in Rancho Mirage. In 2001, the couple established The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands to preserve the estate as a place where world leaders could meet to discuss issues of national and international importance. They also specified that the Trust provided the public with opportunities to learn about Sunnylands’ unique place in history, and since opening in 2012, more than half a million visitors have enjoyed Sunnylands Center & Gardens and its offerings. Legendary designer William Haines was the mastermind behind the elegance of Sunnylands’ opulent, maximalist interiors. Haines’ style of décor, known as Hollywood Regency, reflected silver-screen glamour —through a vibrant mix of colors, textures, patterns, and finishes — with references to interior design of the 19th-century English Regency period. Based on the book, Variations to a Theme; William Haines at Sunnylands, Anne Rowe, Director of Heritage at the Sunnylands Historic Estate, will present, If You’re Designing Modern, Use the Past: William Haines at Sunnylands.